MyChurchCast's founder, Rob Conway, comes with 13 years of radio broadcast experience, including 5 years as Production & Imaging Director for WGTS 91.9 (Washington, DC), making it a top-10 station in its market.
In 2007, he formed Word Of Mouth Productions, LLC to provide voice-over & production services. However, he noticed many churches were having difficulty keeping up with the evolving world of the internet. So he started MyChurchCast with the goal of helping churches reach people beyond the church walls. We think your message is too important to be confined to just those sitting in the pews.
Will people really listen?
Some interesting findings from a May 2008 study from Barna Research discovered…
People within the Christian community are just as immersed in (and dependent upon) digital technologies and social networks as are those outside of it. Both evangelical Christians and other born again Christians emerged as statistically on par with national norms when it came to each of the 15 different areas that were studied. In other words, matters of faith played very little role in differentiating people’s technological habits.
One exception was access to spiritual content via podcasting, which not surprisingly found a more eager audience among Christians than non-Christians. The study found that 38% of evangelicals and 31% of other born again Christians had listened to a sermon or church teaching via
digital recordings available on the Internet (often called a "podcast"), compared with 17% of other adults. In macro-terms, an enormous audience of roughly 45 million Americans reports going digital to acquire church sermon and teaching content. In all, one out of every four adults - 23% - said they downloaded a church podcast in the past week.
This means, we need to be doing more to feed the hunger of those looking for messages on spiritual matters.